We recommend that you read the latest three newsletters as the ideas are still fresh – this means the research and share prices are up to date.
Invest only if you feel comfortable
Once you have read the newsletters, I suggest that you buy only the ideas you feel comfortable investing in.
Then slowly increase your investments with future newsletters – again only if you feel comfortable.
What if the price has gone up or down?
We do not set a maximum buy price when we recommend the companies in the newsletter. This is because when we recommend them they all have good momentum and are undervalued (fits the newsletter's investment strategy).
If the share price declines the undervaluation increases but the momentum gets weaker and the other way around. This is the reason why we do not set a maximum buy price.
If the stock price has however moved more than 15% up or down since we recommended the company ignore it and move on to the next idea.
After looking at the most recent three newsletters, what we would recommend is that you invest in ideas close to the time the newsletter is released - the first Tuesday of every month.
That way you can be sure the company fits with the investment model, and you have the best chance of a large return.
Keep your investment positions small
Remember not to make the size of any of your investments too large, stay with the Suggested portfolio weighting (percentage of your whole portfolio) given for each investment recommended in the newsletter – this is usually 2% of the total amount you want to invest.
When do I sell?
We have tested a lot of selling strategies and I still recommend the one year holding period the newsletter follows.
We will tell you to sell a company after a year if it is not still in the investment model, if it is the investment model, it is held for a further year.
When can I still buy an idea?
when still buy investments?
What do I do if I am a new Quant Value newsletter subscriber?